8 thoughts on “Is this some kind of joke?

  1. Monika

    only yesterday i was telling mom that this lady truly seems to have gone mad…

    she is a publicity addict will do anything for it…

    if censor board allows, i will not be surprised if she says she will have her first night telecast too šŸ˜‰

  2. Mountain Man

    I am so thankful for this post. Ms. Sawant epitomises the ideal woman and I am definitely going to try woo her.

    Someone who thinks “My only wish is to find a person who will always be my support system and will respect me for what I am.” has to be great, right?

    And in reply to Monika: Please do not impose your dated morals on everybody. If I am not the groom, I sure would want the first night to be telecast. Obviously, if I am the groom things should be different.

    Why can’t women bear to see other women having fun?

    Aaya Sawant jhoom ke….


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