Monthly Archives: May 2015

“New India’s’’ Inflexible Workforce – Caring is but Women’s Work: Shalini Grover, Ellina Samantroy, Nupur Dhingra Paiva

Women would continue to drop out and be ‘poor performers’ as long as the mindset at the very root level of our society glorifies their role at home and negates their contribution to the work@office.



A recent BBC article, ‘Why Motherhood Makes Indian Women Quit Their Jobs’ (, examines the factors that prompt large numbers of women to drop out of India’s workforce. Despite the country’s growing international reputation as the “new India,” with its allure of economic prosperity, globalized cities, and modern lifestyles, it is not clear how much of the female labour force is contributing to paid employment. Liberalization has indeed opened up opportunities for an entire cohort of young urban women who work in IT, outsourcing, hospitality, media, beauty parlours, cafes, and malls. Ironically, in a period of high growth and open markets, labour surveys such as those conducted by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) reveal an overall declining rate of female labour force participation, an issue that has become a serious concern for policy makers. A World…

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Her stories


Came across this piece of paper while clearing book shelf in Diya’s room. This was amongst many other scribbled notes in her books. It reminded of my own childhood. I too used to keep jotting down what I felt and observed in my journal. But it was much later than her age now.

This is what the note says (translated):

My story:

One day my mom and dad were discussing about me saying that : our child would grow up to be a good child. I heard it and was very happy. I love my entire family very much.

(I guess she must have overheard one of those many conversations which A and I were having about her.)