Monthly Archives: December 2019

Giving up

At what point do you give up on some one?

When do you walk out of the door completely?

Do you wait for them to politely ask you to leave?

Or do you just run out, leaving the baggage behind?

Or perhaps you hunt for small clues. Like when they give you silent treatment, or they are always too busy, or not willing to talk about things that matter to you, or worse, they start ignoring when you do.

When do you finally tell yourself that it is all over and you are only fooling yourself with the illusion of the ‘could have been’s..

And I do it again…

The plan B for plan A…

Plan C for plan B….

and so on…

I guess I just want to save myself from all the disappointment that any one failure brings in..



Safety net below safety net…


While listening to the old Backstreet boys song – ‘quit playing games with my heart’, daughter asks me why the singer uses the word ‘baby’ for his lover. As per her, if taken ‘literally’, this sounds so bizarre!!

(This also stems from the fact that these days she is fascinated by the ‘figuratively’ vs ‘literally’ examples/comparisons)