Monthly Archives: January 2019

And we start another year… together

img_5891I lay out old newspaper sheets on the kitchen slab as I usually do to avoid spreading the mess while cooking that I am so known for (mess, not cooking). An article catches my eye. I might have missed it during the initial reading. It is a mother’s account, the one which we all can so relate to. And I look at you. From the under weight infant to someone who very soon would be of same height as me (or more!), you have come a long way. And of all the years that we have been together, 2018 was a real special one for me. From our vacations together  to experiencing the delight in your eyes when you told me that you have found your calling, it has all been so memorable. We also suffered the pre-teen pangs albeit a little sooner than expected! Oh and your obsession with K-pop kills me, and not in a good way (just wanted to put that in writing).

But this post is not about a mother’s pride or to relive the beautiful moments. It is more to acknowledge and be thankful for the strength motherhood gave me. I have no hesitation to admit that the courage to act on my dreams and convictions came very late and only from my desire to be a good mother. I realize that it can happen only if I am good and happy as a person. An empty jug cannot pour out water for the thirsty. It is exactly this thought that got me going me on the tough and rather lonely path.

And so here I am, counting my blessings, and looking forward to more such years of togetherness, love and courage 🙂


A very happy New Year to all those who are trying to be better every single day !