Monthly Archives: January 2009

What next?

After restricted timings for night-outs, dress codes enforced time and again, catching ‘couples in action’ , attacks on pub-goers, what would come next?
Just wondering – if someone catches me and my husband holding hands together in a mall, how would they decide whether we are just another couple violating the moral and social rules (and thus eligible to be beaten up!) or if we are genuinely married? Does that mean we should be carrying our marriage certificate all the times – just in case?

Your time starts now!!!

I have decided to go back to work…Of course there are still a few ‘only if’ conditions to be fulfilled like having Diya’s grandparents(either side) over to come and stay with us. But I am glad that I have finally overcome the uncertainty and doubts that I had about joining work again.
I have been reading a lot of blogs lately that tell me about the experiences of a working mother. And most of them have been encouraging so far. The only thing I am a bit skeptical about is whether i might regret missing certain phases of the child’s growing up years. But then there always are certain trade offs which can be done to ensure that you spend a good amount of time with your family.
Oh but before all that, I have to get myself updated with the latest in technology. Its been almost 2 years, and the database world has moved far ahead and so it is going to be one difficult task for me. But who cares!! I am back in the race of learning and my time starts NOW!

Thinking of you…

…. when I hug Diya tightly, I think of the orphaned kids who don’t have the comfort of their loved ones
… when I cook something nice, I think of all those kids staring at the restaurant windowpanes, hoping to catch a glimpse of food inside
… when I dress Diya up in a cute frock, I think of all those kids trying to sleep in cold Bangalore weather without a single thread on their body.
… when I sit and play with Diya along with her huge collection of toys, I think of the kids who spend their time begging instead of enjoying their childhood.
… when I watch Diya sleeping so peacefully, unaware of what goes on around her, I think of children who are on alert all the times lest someone pounce on them, taking their childhood away..

Well said Tom!

….. every developer thinks for a short period of time “hey, this is so cool – I wonder why no one else has thought of this – they must not have thought of it or everyone would be doing it – I’ll be famous”.

And then they learn why not everyone is doing it 🙂

Love this man . No one else could have expressed in better words what I have felt on numerous occasions 🙂

Action replay…

When I see S struggling with her numerous queries and anxieties dealing with her baby and motherhood in general, it makes me go back in time when I dealt with the similar issues. And yes, the online mommies did make things easier for me to deal with. I found out that it wasn’t me alone who was overwhelmed with joy and stress, excitement and fatigue, and numerous other emotions that usually strike a new mother. It also helped in underplaying the expectations which the entire world (read family and sometimes even yourself) has from you. And so, I do give credit to all those Mom-blogs for contributing towards the happiness I have received and enjoyed for all these months… May this community flourish and help in spreading more awareness and joyful experiences 🙂

Friends forever

We might be at loggerheads all the times
But isn’t it how it ought to be?
For we are two strong people in love
with minds that think and hearts that feel.
Despite the road blocks, crisis and tragedies
we stay bound by love’s decree
We can never let each other go –
Because we are friends forever, aren’t we?