Monthly Archives: February 2019

Dear 2019, please slow down! Or may be not…

A month has already passed and we are in middle of Feb already! I look at all the things I had planned and hoped to get completed in this year. With this pace, they seem impossible to finish. I am hardly able to keep up with the changes happening in my life. It scares me. And yet there is something very exciting about it. I keep looking into myself, picking up things that I like, and things that I don’t. I accept them all and yet I throw them all out. There is peace in contentment with oneself.

Suddenly, all the time in the world looks so less. The to-do list is getting longer. The projects, studies, exams, conversations, dreams, desires….. Life is getting more exciting than ever.  I feel happy and in a long long time, I feel secure. How do I collect all these moments? How do I ensure they don’t slip out and get lost? If not the moments, then their memories… I feel the desperate need to hold on to them. And I dream of making the new ones.

There are a few things that need urgent attention. They bother me like sand in my eyes. But when I close them, I realize that I am happy. Blissfully. In a long, long time. And so I carry on living with my contradictory self.. cherishing every bit of breath that I am given.


Morning walks

Holding hands together,

we soar high.

Eager to share

the dreams in our eyes.


Steps are slower than our words.

There are just so many of them to be said.

Words struggle hard to keep up with thoughts.

The ones formed in mind and cherished by heart.


The pride in our eyes say – “Look at us, don’t we look good together?”

The strength and courage of love lets us go on forever.