Monthly Archives: July 2009

A Random question

How do you forgive someone who doesn’t even wish to accept that he/she has ever wronged you?


A Clarification: Wishing the other person would recognize the extent of damage done(which might as well be silent one) ย is not equivalent toย expecting an apology…. Its justย a hope that he/she would not do the same to someone else..

Thanks for the comments…. They are nothing but a reaffirmation to my own line of thinking!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Motherhood lesson# 232

Learn to eat your own words.

There was a time when I was sure that I would never send Diya to a playschool as I thought it was just another rich man(woman)’s way of shrugging off parental responsibilities. I also believed that the initial lessons should always be given by the parents. And I was sure that family is enough to keep the kid entertained…

I had to reconsider all these things once I saw how happy Diya was with other kids (I guess that is how it is for all the kids around), and also how less time she gets to spend with them (since we don’t really have many kids in our building, and the ones that are there have their school and tough time schedule).
And so here I am, sitting in a play school, while Diya is playing with her ‘teacher’ and some kids in the other room.. Yes, I follow her around even in the school ;-). We have decided to start it off with one hour a day for a couple of months and depending on whether she is happy or not, we might extend/discontinue it.

I have a list ready with me now – of things that I would be denying/accepting later!!!

update: She was fine and happy for first 30minutes and then started crying as she was very sleepy..Overall, a good start ๐Ÿ™‚

A bad loser

We all have ups and downs in life, highs and lows in relationships, positives and negatives in profit margins….

We all end up being losers in some way or the other…

Some of us take it as a part and parcel of life, collect the broken pieces and try to move on….

Some are stuck in the rut of their own deeds and keep glorifying their loss as sacrifice or bad luck…

I am amused…

And sympathize too..

I know losing is painful…

July is a month of heartache :-(

I have never been too good with ‘Good Byes’….And so when I heard that this entire month there would be friends and family visiting us, the first thought that came to my mind was ‘What would I do when they leave?’…

So much for my emotional strength!

Maasiji left today, and I am feeling a dull ache in my heart…

Of course I am AWESOME! Koi shaque??

By far this has been the toughest tag I have ever taken… Me – awesome??? I am not so sure.. But then I don’t have a very bad opinion of myself either ๐Ÿ˜‰ I did try to find this out from family and friends, and they were kind of short of words (hmm…. now don’t tell me that its because there is actually NOTHING to say!)..

And so here we are with seven ‘awesome’ traits of mine!

1. I know how to smile/laugh my worries away. In fact, the more tense I am, the wider the smile grows ๐Ÿ™‚ It is a kind of survival tactic – to get through tough times!!

2. I am NEVER lonely…. I can be alone or in a crowd – but I am never lonely.. And this makes life much more easier, isn’t it?

3. I have lived and enjoyed almost all the roles that I have played. This is not to say that I am an awesome daughter/sister/wife/mother/friend…. but that I have loved playing all these parts. I am sure that when my life ends, I would look back and feel good about having given my best and not regret about giving up on either of these relationships.

4. I know what is love. Not the one they write about in poems/epics, but the one that fills your heart with warmth. The kind of love which doesn’t blind you to the other person’s faults. The kind that doesn’t lead you into a morally corrupt path. The kind that doesn’t just give you words and proses to write. The kind that doesn’t give you assurance of its eternal nature. But the kind that soothes your pain. The kind that makes you admit that neither you nor the other person are beyond faults. The kind which gives you strength to make new starts every time things go wrong. And the kind which even makes you compromise and adjust.The kind which is practical and sane enough to see the right path.

5. I can cook….. Yes, thats an awesome trait, considering how this skill has developed after years of practice and experimentation.. I can cook non-veg without even tasting it for salt/spices during the whole process ๐Ÿ™‚ And it turns out to be fine (Can’t help but leave the modesty out for some time ๐Ÿ˜‰ ).

6. I don’t obsess about my looks.. I do take care, but never obsess. I can’t calculate the calorie intake or track the latest cosmetics in market (haven’t even tried learning the art of make up). For me, this does qualify as an awesome trait, because I have seen women who can think and talk of nothing else and it does irritate me and others around.

7. And lastly (I am glad to reach the end of the list now – It was getting too depressing to even think that there are not many points to write about), I don’t give up. Ever. I have had dark moments in my life. And there were times when I found them overpowering me. But I have always emerged a winner. And I am so proud of it.

Thanks Swaram, for giving me pointers ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks Abha for this tag – it did me reason to exercise my grey cells ๐Ÿ™‚

On a rainy evening

Its been such a great weather outside that I couldn’t resist going out for a ride on my two wheeler.Though it was raining, yet it couldn’t stop me from acting on my impulse. I guess doing such things on impulse is very liberating… Its been great feeling the cold drizzle on my face. It felt as if someone was trying to wake me up in the gentlest of ways.ย  Oh and I did by a book too! And read a few of its pages in the Barista outlet near the ‘chat house’ from where I bought samosas and jalebis. What is rainy season without these basic things to enjoy!!!!!!!!

Why this meaningless post, you might ask…… well.. I have been trying hard to come up with something to describe myself as awesome as tagged by Abha! And though I tried to cheat by asking everyone I know, yet I haven’t been able to come up with a decent list.. ๐Ÿ˜ฆย  I did try to think a few during the ride mentioned above, but still there is a long way to go… Now what does that mean? Am I not awesome? or am I too modest to admit that I am one of the most awesome people alive?????

Arranged Marriage – by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

This book is a collection of short stories by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, where each story deals with perhaps the most important event of our lives – marriage. Written entirely from a woman’s perspective, each and every story can be related to. Though the setting is predominantly that of the girl settling abroad after marriage, yet it can be seen relevant for any such case where the girl leaves her parents’ home behind and gets ‘settled’ in the new environment.

The pain of being misunderstood/not-understood, of being treated like just a ‘wife’, of husband with a roving eye, of internal conflicts, marital rape is expressed in a very subtle way, so much so that you start feeling the loneliness of the character. One more feature of these stories is the depiction of Bangla culture. Being married into a Bengali household for about eight years, I have started to understand and even live most of the moments that are essentially ‘Bong’. And it was pleasure reading them.

Pic from here