Monthly Archives: August 2012

Remembering old times!

Five Senses ...

(Random thoughts put together)

I am happy and proud.
From an underweight baby to a hyperactive toddler, she has come a long way.
Yes, we wondered if she was ‘active’ enough.
Now she makes us look silly to have had such stupid thoughts!
I was heartbroken and sad at the thought of leaving her everyday.
She waves ‘Good Bye’ with a smile!
And insists a ride on my bike EVERYDAY.
Thats the origin of ‘bribe’, I guess!
You say ‘One’, and ‘TOO’, ‘THEE’ would be dutifully recited back!
Every phone call you make/attend is mimicked perfectly.
And ended with a very brisk ‘BAAYIII’
She believes in ‘Walk when you talk’ funda while she is ‘on call’!
She loves painting – on her hands, legs and tummy!
Everything is a canvas, except the paper, of course..
Toys are useless. And can be gotten rid of by throwing out…

View original post 129 more words

God Bless good friends

Because they sometimes teach you things so invaluable that saves you from a lot of headache in life!!


Especially things like a school-goer’s (healthy) snack options..

Ever since my dear friend Dew taught me how to make pancakes, it has become a hot fav of all at home. And it is one of those rare items that Diya likes to eat at school!!

The pic is linked to the source – Dew’s blog.

For recipe, please ask Dew !

To make you smile!

Just came across this picture on team-bhp site!!



Maybe the auto driver does need the spoiler to keep his vehicle on the road.. otherwise who knows with their love for speed, the vehicle might just fly off 😉

Loved the comments that followed on the original thread!









To follow the entire thread, go to this link