Monthly Archives: December 2012

असतो मा सद्गमय ।

So we get ready and prepare our home to welcome 2013. Nothing much has changed since last year. And yet this new year looks a little more brighter and full of hope.

I pray for Happy and Safe times in the coming year for all of us. We all deserve to live our lives the way we want to. Power play, violence, cheating, heartbreak, poverty, hunger – should be forsaken. I wish for smiles for ourselves and for each other. I crave for more courteous behavior – with people we know, and with people we don’t know. I want our children to spend more time with each other – to understand how to behave properly in a social setup. I urge the parents to look after their children more responsibly – for mental and physical health. I want my own lazy self to finally get out of the deep slumber and act on the promises made, instead of just preserving them in the regret corners of heart.

I wish for hope for better times – for all of us..



In Grief

Last week I lost a friend.

He wasn’t the kinds I would share my feelings or very personal experiences with.

He wasn’t the kinds who would call me every now or then.

We didn’t exchange too many emails either.

And yet the heart aches badly.

He was a friend who stood by me in best and worst of times.

He never asked me why I did what I did.

He just stayed around.

We had long gaps in communication, but it never felt awkward whenever we did catch up.

Friends like him are the reason why we smile every now and then.

Their presence make us feel good about ourselves – Yes, I know it is a selfish reason – but the very fact that you are thought  of in a nice way is heart warming.

I am feeling sick with grief. I am trying to distract myself with things necessary and unnecessary. But it is not helping much..I hope his family and close circle of friends cope up with this tragedy. As for me, I would move on too – but not without a void in life.




All grown up!

So here is my baby, all grown up! All set to greet and enjoy the sixth year of her life! I am not sure who is the happier one – she ( still loving the memories of multiple Birthday parties that she had) or me who got to spend all these wonderful moments with her!

It never has failed to amaze me how distinct a personality she has become so soon! The two of us have come far – From being a physically single entity to being two very separate aDSC_0281nd distinct people.  And yet the similarities are hard to miss!

She hates wearing kurtis with jeans. Prefers cool message t-shirts 🙂 Blowing bubbles is her fav activity! And she is a expert in solving jigsaw puzzles! She loves having food in the tent which she and her naanu built together. She LOVES writing. Every morning at 6, she wakes up and the first thing she asks for is to open the door to her room, clear her study desk, bring out the writing book and pencil, and WRITE! She loves her independence – she needs to decide her own dress, hairstyle , and shoes. There are certain ground rules though, and we try to stick to them.

She had been very excited about her Birthday Parties which started from 6th Dec onwards and ended on 9th. I am glad that she enjoyed every moment of it. She mingled with all family members with ease, won their hearts with her charming antics.. Oh and she did show a maturity beyond her years while opening the gifts! You see, the gift wrappers were carefully kept aside before she attacked the actual present! And no, none was spared! The only embarrassment was that she kept on expecting (aloud) each and every guest who came to visit to be carrying a gift for her!

(Sometimes I wish to have all these people who love her to form this strong fort around her. Her grandparents, our closest friends and cousins, and of course, us – all of us… just making sure that she stays fine and protected. The recent horrifying news of violence against kids, young girls, women – it just makes me want to put her back inside me. Just to make sure that she is safe.)