Monthly Archives: February 2020

I just had to say this

“Thank You”

To all those who helped me to really live my life. I was able to love, smile, cry, laugh, be fearful, get angry, and experience all the possible emotions that there may be in this world – all because of those who were kind enough to be a part of my life. So I want to express my gratitude to each one of them.

I lived my life well, all because of them.

Would you ever forget your birthing story?

A silly question indeed!!


Who can forget the nervousness, the pain, the anticipation, the curiosity, the discomfort, the veiled excitement?

And who can ever forget to acknowledge all those moments of pleasure that this small being fills your life with!!

You know at the endCapture what hurts the most?

That those who caused these tears were our own country men. They were not ‘invaders’, they were not ‘terrorists’, and I seriously doubt if any of themĀ  were ‘religious’ men.


They were pure evil.

And they were all my countrymen.



(pic from here)


I think the age is catching up to me. I am confused about so many things going around me. Am I being too slow or is the world moving just too fast?